Essential Requirements for Marriage in Canada Today

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Fiona Wozney


Fiona Wozney has been in the Global Tourism industry for over 30 years. Her dedication, commitment, and drive to be excellent in what she enjoys doing are evident in all the partners she has worked with, the staff she has mentored, and the clients she has brought a smile to. Beyond her enthusiasm for business, she has a great passion for traveling and embarking on unique, thrilling adventures. Fiona was born in Australia and currently lives in the United States with her husband and two lovely daughters.

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Planning a wedding in the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia can be a dream come true for many couples. With its pristine lakes, towering peaks, and lush greenery, it’s no wonder that British Columbia is a sought-after destination for wedding groups. At New Denver Lodge, we understand the allure of a British Columbia wedding. We are here to help you navigate the essential requirements for marriage in Canada today.

 Legal Requirements for Marriage in Canada   

To get married in Canada, you must meet specific legal requirements. These requirements ensure that the marriage is valid and recognized by law. Here are the essential steps and criteria:

  • Marriage License: Prior to entering into marriage in British Columbia, it is necessary to obtain a marriage license from a designated office.
  • Age Requirements: Both parties must be at least 19 years old. If under 19, parental consent is required.
  • Identity Documents: Valid identification, such as a passport or birth certificate, is necessary.
  • Residency: There are no residency requirements; non-residents can marry in Canada.
  • Witnesses: Two witnesses must be present at the ceremony.
  • Authorized Officiant: The ceremony must be performed by an authorized officiant, such as a marriage commissioner or religious leader.

 Choosing the Perfect British Columbia Wedding Venue   

When planning a wedding, it’s really important to pick the perfect location. British Columbia has so many beautiful places to choose from, like cozy lodges and fancy hotels. New Denver Lodge, for example, is tucked away in a peaceful and lovely spot, making it an excellent option for couples who want a private and natural setting for their special day.

Our lodge is ideally situated outside New Denver Village, offering a scenic backdrop of Slocan Lake and the Valhalla Mountain Range. It’s the perfect spot for intimate ceremonies and celebrations with close friends and family. With the capacity to accommodate up to 20 people, we prioritize guest privacy and comfort, ensuring your special day is both magical and stress-free.

 Accommodating British Columbia Wedding Groups   

At New Denver Lodge, we understand the unique needs of British Columbia wedding groups. Our skilled group of hotel staff, who have worked in Fiji, Hawaii, and Colorado, have a lot of knowledge and experience to make sure your wedding goes perfectly.

Whether you are planning an intimate gathering or a small group celebration, our lodge provides the perfect setting. The surrounding natural beauty offers endless opportunities for stunning wedding photographs, and our personalized service ensures every detail is taken care of.

 Additional Considerations for a British Columbia Wedding   

Beyond the legal requirements and venue selection, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind:

  • Weather: British Columbia’s weather can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to plan for all conditions. Having a backup plan for outdoor ceremonies is advisable.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Ensure your guests have access to convenient travel options and comfortable accommodations. At New Denver Lodge, we offer exclusive accommodations for up to 20 guests, making it easy for wedding groups to stay together.
  • Local Vendors: Research and book local vendors well in advance. This includes photographers, florists, caterers, and entertainment.

 Making Your Wedding Day Perfect   

Planning a wedding in British Columbia offers a unique and unforgettable experience. By understanding the essential requirements for marriage in Canada and choosing the perfect venue, you can create a magical day surrounded by the natural beauty of this stunning province.

At New Denver Lodge, we are dedicated to making your wedding day perfect. With our serene location, experienced team, and commitment to guest privacy, we provide an exceptional setting for your special day. Contact us today to learn more about how we can accommodate your British Columbia wedding groups and help you plan the wedding of your dreams.

 Integrating Cultural Elements into Your British Columbia Wedding   

Adding cultural traditions to your wedding can make it feel more special and personal. Whether it’s a traditional First Nations ceremony or elements from your own cultural background, integrating these aspects can make your day even more special. Consult with local experts to ensure respectful and authentic representations of these traditions.

 Eco-Friendly Wedding Options   

With growing awareness of environmental sustainability, many couples are opting for eco-friendly weddings. Consider venues and vendors that prioritize sustainability. Options include locally sourced catering, biodegradable decorations, and digital invitations to reduce paper waste. New Denver Lodge supports green initiatives, ensuring your wedding has a minimal environmental footprint.

 Adventure Weddings in British Columbia   

For the adventurous couple, British Columbia offers numerous outdoor activities that can be part of your wedding celebration. Think about incorporating a hike, kayak trip, or mountain biking adventure into your wedding itinerary. Create an immersive experience for you and your guests that showcases the stunning natural beauty of the region, offering a one-of-a-kind experience.


Planning a wedding in British Columbia offers a unique and unforgettable experience. By understanding the essential requirements for marriage in Canada and choosing the perfect venue, you can create a magical day surrounded by the natural beauty of this stunning province.

At New Denver Lodge, we are dedicated to making your wedding day perfect. With our serene location, experienced team, and commitment to guest privacy, we provide an exceptional setting for your special day.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can accommodate your British Columbia wedding groups and help you plan the wedding of your dreams.

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